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  • Second Saturday: ONLINE gathering
  • Sat, February 8 , 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
  • GeekNet

    Leicester Bronies


    Leicester Bronies have been running since early 2013!

    While it’s Ponies that brought them together, the primary focus of the meets are just too chat chill & relax with friends.
    “Any & all geeky/nerdy pony-friendly friends welcome”
    If you fancy a game, there’s a game or two played sometimes, mainstay games are currently are Unstable Unicorns, Flux, TSSSF, & CAH.

    They currently meet-up on the last Saturday of the month every month, at The Globe on Silver Street, 12:00 onwards!
    Official end-time is 17:30, but locals & regulars sometimes stay longer.
    43 Silver St, Leicester LE1 5EU

    & there is normally also a little Pre’Meet at Gourmet Coffee, just outside the main Train Station Concourse!
    between 11:00/12:00ish
    for those that are coming in by train, & those arriving early, to gather & walk down to the main meet together.

    Ask “Pony” on the SBL Discord for more details! the only times the meet may not run, is when it directly clashes with, xmas/new-years-holidays!