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    StarBase Leicester Winter and Christmas Feast

    Fri, December 9, 2022
    6:30 pm - 10:00 pm


    Frankie and Benny's, Leicester

    Hello fellow geeks! Join us in celebration of all things Winter Christmas, family and friends

    Hello fellow geeks! Join us in celebration of all things Winter, Christmas, family and friends. For 2022 it’s Frankie and Benny’s, as voted for by you! There’s nothing quite like eating out with friends as a special treat and what could be a better way to cheer up the darker months. Afterwards or before we hope everyone carries on the celebrations with near by mini golf and cinema and our social medias are open to plan ideas.

    With a wide selection of food including a special Christmas menu there’s something for all, no deposits required and no pre ordering so just nice and simple food with friends.


    • Arrive by 6:30pm and enjoy!
    • Please book a ticket or let the captain know asap if you wish to attend as we need to let the restaurant know numbers. Ticket code is SBLreturns  and tickets are at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/starbase-leicester-winter-and-christmas-feast-tickets-458824515477
    • Let the captain know if your plans change
    • Let the captain know any allergies etc so we can prewarn the chefs
    • Christmas jumpers and hats encouraged but not necessary
    • +Plus ones VERY welcome
    • As we booked early we all get a free drink too! (prosecco or non alcoholic alternative)
    • Christmas menu can be found here https://www.frankieandbennys.com/christmas and the regular menu is available too
    • Please remember to let the captain know of any allergies or if you need to cancel

    Covid changes:

    • Limited to 25 people + the captain
    • Please only attend if you feel 100% well
    • You’re welcome to bring your own hand sanitizer
    • We will be keeping contact details on the door for covid secureness

    Other Important details:

    • Over 16’s only (16 and 17 year olds to bring an adult)
    • Free, each person pays for their own food
    • If you’ve any questions, requests or ideas message us at info@starbaseleicester.co.uk
    Map Unavailable