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    StarBase Leicester Great British Spring Clean litter pick

    Sat, June 5, 2021
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm


    Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre, Leicester

    Hello fellow geeks!  A socially distanced in person event is here and we’re doing a good deed.

    Today with the help of the South Leicestershire Litter Wombles we’ll be taking part in The Great British Spring clean.  Litterpicking a great activity to do your bit for the wildlife and planet, great exercise and a chance to catch up with people after this tough time. So join us and lets show the Wombles and the world we care too!

    Starting location will be outside the Queen Elizabeth Sports centre 50 Duns Ln, Leicester LE3 5LX 10am and we’ll pick the surrounding area.

    Possible route:

    Possible litterpick route

    Any questions message the captain or bridge crew info@starbaseleicester.co.uk

    Also a chance to earn another event towards your Golden Club Badge.

    Important bits:

    • event will be open to non members too all children MUST be accompanied. We take no responsibility for juniors.
    • Free
    • Some equipment will be provided but if you have your own litter picker/bags/gloves/hi-viz please bring them along
    • Bring your own hand sanitizer
    • We will keep groups small, masked where able and remain socially distanced (and obviously be outside)

    Any questions? email us at info@starbaseleicester.co.uk


    Map Unavailable