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    StarBase Leicester Beat The Street 10

    Sat, July 3, 2021
    5:30 pm - 7:30 pm


    Jubilee Square, Leicester

    Hello fellow geeks!  A socially distanced in person event is here and we’re taking part in a city wide challenge!

    Walk 10 Will be the special triple point route in the centre! Check your beat the street newsletter for details. This is the final leg! Can we climb the leader board???
    Beat the street triple points

    Use the Facebook or discord to see who’s up for a member led event.

    So whenever you’re in Leicester beat the street by beeping the boxes on lamp posts all over the city. Register online and collect a card from one of several collection points. Any trouble getting a card speak to the captain. But don’t forget to join our team on the beat the street website!

    What is Beat the Street?

    Beat the Street is a fun, free initiative that will see Leicester transformed into a giant game!
    See how far you can walk, cycle, run, scoot and roll in just 6 weeks. There are great challenges to enjoy and prizes up for grabs.
    The game will start on 26 May and end on 7 July 2021.


    Exercise/health: get out and about for all the health benefits and a change from the screens

    Social: currently groups of up to 30 can meet outside and while we don’t recommend walking around the city in a huge group 4 or 5 friends out for a nice stroll and to rack up points for your club team is a great way to say hi.

    Prizes: for yourself, the club/charity

    Any questions message the captain or bridge crew info@starbaseleicester.co.uk

    Also a chance to earn another event towards your Golden Club Badge.

    Important bits:

    • Free
    • Let the captain know when you have your card and have joined the StarBase Leicester team on the beat the street website
    • Stay safe and follow all government guidelines regarding Covid-19
    • We will keep groups small, masked where able and remain socially distanced (and obviously be outside)

    Any questions? email us at info@starbaseleicester.co.uk


    Map Unavailable