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  • Last Sunday: Book Club: In Person
  • Sun, January 26 , 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Phoenix Square, Leicester
  • Rules and Code of Conduct

    Welcome to StarBase Leicester the sci-fi, fantasy and gaming group of Leicester.

    Just like our city we are a diverse group and to help everything run smoothly and to help everyone enjoy events we expect members to follow this code of conduct.
    Don’t worry, its common sense and you probably already do these things which means we can keep StarBase Leicester events a clean, safe and fun environment for everyone.

    When you become a member you will be given a slip to sign to agree to these rules and provide emergency contact details or will have agreed when joining discord.

    If you believe someone is violating the code of conduct, please report it by emailing info@starbaseleicester.co.uk or speaking to the captain/bridge crew.


    As a member of Star Base Leicester at events I agree to:

    • act in a responsible manner e.g. do not break equipment or act in a way that could, ask before touching other peoples property
    • abide by any venue rules e.g. no drinking in the Secular hall and no touching the books or piano
    • not knowingly bully, harass or isolate other members, bridge crew, or venue staff
    • not steal and to always act within the law
    • not to take part in any form of gambling at club run events
    • not attend events while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
    • Be friendly and patient.
    • Be welcoming. We strive to be a community group that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities.
    • Be respectful. Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour or poor manners.
    • Not act in a way that will tarnish the reputation of the club within the wider community

    COVID and hygiene update:

    • Only attend events when well to avoid sharing illness with others especially the vulnerable
    • Use hand sanitizer/ wash hands before handling food and equipment
    • Consider personal hygiene and it’s effect on others at events


    If any one needs clarification or help and support with any of these rules please speak to the captain or a bridge crew member. We also would like to remind every to be safe when using our online platforms like Facebook and Discord. just because someone else is using them does not automatically mean they are safe. We are unable to vet users of our online platforms.