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StarBase Leicester ONLINE gathering

Sat, March 12, 2022
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Hello fellow geeks!  Join us for gaming, chatting with friends, and making new friends.

Tonight is another chance to meet up online and enjoy the company of geeks. We’ve started experimenting with in person meet ups but feel free to do both or just online as we hope to keep online events too for the foreseeable future.

If you’ve any requests or ideas for things we can play/do let the captain know info@starbaseleicester.co.uk or mention on the discord call. If you can’t do discord let us know too and we’ll help you find other ways to chat.

Possible things tonight:

Geeks chatting via –

Join us online however you prefer… and message the captain between 7-10 to earn another event towards your Golden Club Badge.

Important bits: